You must verify your email address to register as a member.
You must send a verification number to register by submitting a form.
Rather than submitting a form, we recommend that you click the address below to self-register.
# If you cannot self-register, please fill out the form.
1. Submit the membership registration form.
2. A email authentication number is required for membership registration.
When you receive the verification code, please send it by email.
3. You must send it within 30 minutes.
You must purchase the product within 6 months of registering as a member.
If you do not purchase the product, your membership will be cancelled.
The purpose of collecting the information from you below is to allow us to setup a membership account for you with Atomy Co., Ltd.
By sending this form, you acknowledge that we will be your sponsor.
Once the membership signup process is complete, the information you require for login to your country’s Atomy website will be emailed to you.
Rest assured that your personal information will stay only with and the Atomy company.